Saturday, January 16, 2010

15-16 May for next get-together

23rd September, from Steve P: Dear all, Eric and Kim Dowling have confirmed  that Saturday 15th May 2010 and Sunday 16th May 2010 are the best available  dates for our next get-together....

If you haven't been before then I can  promise you that they are great fun. So put this one in your diaries and think  about transport, accommodation etc. The Dowling property is outside of  Gunning, just over an hour from Canberra.Partners are very welcome and we will  arrange accommodation in Gunning for those who might like extra comfort. There  are still a number of old mates missing from this list so spread the word and  pass on their details if you happen to come across any.

I would endorse Clive Davidson's review of Alan  Gould's latest book. I think it is his best yet (and is partially set in the  old CGS).

Cheers for now,

Steve Padgham

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