Monday, May 23, 2011

News from John Nicholas

Nick and co, Nearing "the Rock" in 2007 Fastnet Race
It was pretty amazing seeing you dig up my email address, presumably from the school. I have pretty much been away from Canberra since 1973, in New Zealand for a second degree, and two stints living in the U.K. with Darwin in between.
I have a wife, whom I met in a pub in London in 1973, a son who has himself a wife and son in Brisbane, and a daughter, with her own son and daughter, in Melbourne.
We have been living and working in England since 2002, although we catch up with the family, either here or in Oz, at least once a year. I am not a petrolhead, though I remember well the influence the internal combustion engine and wheels had on the class of '67. I do have a friend in Cambridge who has eight Lotuses and races two of them. The Nicholases sail instead, and son Ben has been four times a class national champion in Australia and Britain, and one year world champ. Something in common with Pete Forsythe. For his interest I have attached a photo of us sailing our boat in the 2007 Fastnet Race.
We are currently living in North London, but moving soon, tossing up between Cambridge and Berkshire.
Post this if you think it newsworthy. I will keep in touch.
John Nicholas

Friday, May 20, 2011

David Edmunds on his European bike Ride

David and Roz are pedalling across Europe.  Follow them here.
David has a daily blog of his adventures as he and wife Roz pedal across Northern Europe.
You can follow them here. Or by typing " "into your search engine.
Check out their google map of where they are, each day.
And here's "the Bike"...
"Has to be comfortable, light and durable".  David explains here.